All without overworking yourself through buying into the hustle culture of entrepreneurship and slaving yourself away through jobs that aren't aligned with you true desires . The Wealthy Woman Activation Training is your comprehensive guide to instantly shift your magnetic attraction to money and love.
If I was giving myself advice 5 years ago, when I was broke, living with my parents and a newly single mom of a newborn baby exiting an extremely toxic relationship.. I WOULD NOT tell myself to go and get a job.
It was some of the worst but best intentioned advice I was receiving at that time, and when I applied it here are some of the the agonizing things that happened:
I had such severe separation anxiety with my baby being without me, her mother, for 5 or more hours out of the day. Working as a counselor became too stressful that I ended up having severe panic attacks and had no choice but to quit.
I couldn’t honor the time I needed to recoup my body after having a high risk and also traumatic birth experience, so I was hustling and working on top of pain in my body that got so bad over time, I became disabled.
My only option after quitting my job at that point, was to pursue working online as a freelancer / entrepreneur so I could stay home with my baby and do my best to recover my physical and mental health.
Hustle culture got the best of me, and I ended up working way too hard only to see results that were inconsistent and unreliable, and the freelance positions I managed to land both fired me after barely 3 months of working because one was downsizing and I was apart of the cut, and the other just didn’t feel like I was a good fit for their business.
Not only that, I had to come to terms with the truth that my experience of poverty as a single mother was in direct correlation with what I allowed men to use me for, how poor my boundaries were with men, and allowing them to take from me and not replenish me in return for my feminine love and presence.
SO, How is it that I had given a man a child, all my energy and devotion only to be left deprived and struggling in the end?
I had to say NO, and choose that I will no longer slave myself and burden my life with work that I don’t want to do any more.
My Money I received, and The Love Men show to me I declared was NO LONGER going to be conditional.
My Name is Esaia and I’m here with a very profound activation that is going to jumpstart you into realizing where all of your money, and love in life truly comes from.
We’ve been conditioned to chase after money and love, and allocate little to no responsibility to men for providing it for us. Because of this, I’ve suffered in the past— and there are many other women JUST LIKE YOU continuing to run the hamster wheel of masculine forms of “success”.
Am I saying that to WANT success is a bad thing? Absolutely NOT! It’s just the way women have been conditioned mentally to believe they should go about it success is not inherently in tune with our true feminine nature.
Once I began to Manifest my Reality with Money and Men from a deeply feminine place, the magic started happening and the rivers of money flow and devotional love started to flow too!
Once I learned and started applying what I will be teaching you in the Wealthy Woman Activation Training, My Money in my business started POURING in. & Once I applied this Activation to my DECISION to no longer have to do anything for big windfalls of money.. within almost a month I manifested winning $10,000 Image in a sweepstakes I had completely forgotten about entering!
After dating a guy for over a year, I was ready to end our relationship because it wasn't moving forward. After applying the Wealthy Woman Activation, I took it a step further and Applied what I call The Soft Life Blueprint.
(keep reading, because I'm gonna be sharing more of that below!). He immediately charged our relationship forward and set up a bank account and thousands of dollars was deposited there monthly for whatever we (myself, and my daughter included) needed!
I applied into my life what I now call
The Wealthy Woman Activation showing you the 3 most powerful steps that you need to take to Finally release, Stress, Anxiety and Desperation for Devotional Love 💕 and Windfalls of Financial Blessings to enter into your life!
BUT Don’t take my word for it…
After less than 1 week of sharing The Wealthy Woman Activation training with my Youtube audience, the testimonials have been rolling in…
There's one thing people minimize when it comes to manifesting, and this one thing is actually what makes women some of the most powerful creators on the planet. I will be revealing what this is as soon as we dive into the training!
& this one thing, when you embrace it in the exact way I break down in the Wealthy Woman Activation Training, Instead of continuously feeling blocked in love and money you will immediately feel the flow of the money and love that wants to come to you.
Most people think they understand Manifesting, but even manifesting can be approached in a MASCULINE way, in a way that produces unsustainable shifts in your reality. You need a Feminine Manifestation Awakening. What you will learn in this Wealthy Woman Activation you will be able to take with you for LIFE, and apply it ANY time you feel a blockage in your desires for love and money.
I will serving you ZERO fluff. We are getting to the bottom of what's going on in your energy. There are things in your energy field RIGHT NOW that is clogging the flow of feminine riches into your life. It's time to "FYAH DAT!!" in my carribean patoi voice. Which basically means, it's time to start breaking the curse of poverty over your love and finances.. today!
For only $17, once you complete the video + pdf training you can comment your questions and I will be there to engage and get back to you with an answer. This isn't one of those purchases where you buy and get lost and left behind in the overwhelm of new information! You are supported and basically getting coaching from me at such a discount, I normally charge anywhere from $97-$300 for a virtual session, so this is a steal!
On the contrary, I want to show you exactly how to start living with LESS weight, and LESS things to mark off on your to-do list. So much of our burdens as women stem from what are brains are being conditioned with from the world.. ALL THE TIME! I want to help make your road to an easy life simpler, and easier so This Wealthy Woman Activation Training is designed to be simple, focused, and effective.
Along with The Wealthy Woman Activation Training, for just $33 get access to The Soft Life Blueprint!
You’ll experience an even bigger impact in your love life and money manifestation with The Soft Life Blueprint. You’ll learn exactly how I manifested keeping my bills paid and having more than enough money after saying goodbye to hustling entrepreneurship and the job labor market PLUS how I got the men in my life to be my rocks, knights in shining armor and love on me with the money and devotion I deserve!
(only available at the checkout!)
"Okay Esaia, we get it. Not being a work-mule for society and slaving into the hustle culture of entrepreneurship is great and all but.. how do I actually PAY MY BILLS while living a soft life? & Why do I need to get my abundance from men? How do I even go about receiving it?
I've heard these questions time and time again, and I'm gonna be answering the MOST Important things you need to know so you can say goodbye to your old life of struggle and hustle and step into the ease and flow of living in your femininity.
Learn the Key things you need to embody so bills, and finances no longer limit you, but FREE you.
If you feel limited by money, instead of expanded by money.. we need to talk! Your fears of what might happen to your bills if you were to choose yourself first are a big sign that your money is limiting you. The Soft Life Blueprint will give you the confidence you need to choose yourself, your joyful life of expansion, and also have all your desires met in the process.
Master setting Clear and Captivating Boundaries with Men, that will have them wanting to make your life easier.
Let's face it, our relationships with men with either fuel our poverty, or fuel our success. Which one are you choosing? The Soft Life Blueprint is teaching you how to establish wealth being the norm in your relationships whether it's a new relationship or longstanding ones!
Discover How to stop Giving your Precious Feminine Energy away to men for free, and start getting a return on your energy.
In the Soft Life Blueprint I"m teaching you how to receive MORE from men, and better from men. I am teaching you to get taken advantage of. Learn how to protect your emotions and your finances with men and always receive no matter what mistakes he makes!
BONUS #1: 2-Hour Mistressclass on the 7 pillars of Feminine Wealth.
Receive access to a 2-hour Class within one of my $5000 programs, where I go over the 7 CORE beliefs that women have that keep them BROKE, and in a cycle of self-deprecation. Once you start living by these beliefs you will live softer, and let the universe take care of you like you were born to do! You're getting access to this for only $33!
BONUS #2: 2-Hour Mistressclass on Awakening Dark Masculinity.
Receive access to a 2-hour Class within one of my $5000 programs, where I go over the KEY THING that Men CRAVE from you, that inspires him to want to show up for you, protect you, and provide you with what you need. You're getting access to this for only $33!
Your 3 simple steps to releasing stress, and desperation for money and love so you can finally allow the universe to bless you with the abundance of wealth and devotional love you deserve 💙
For a limited time, grab this training at an unbeatable price. Don’t miss out on learning the most important element to manifesting through your Feminine Divine!
Discover the #1 thing we ignore that creates a cycle of financial worries and relationship stress, and how to transmute it to start paving the way for abundance and peace.
Learn the art of trusting in the flow of life and embracing your femininity to attract love and wealth effortlessly.
Master the MOST IMPORTANT technique to manifest your dreams and desires, creating a life filled with love, prosperity, and fulfillment.
Remove your BIGGEST blockages to receiving Wealth & Love Immediately.
Be FULLY supported on your Journey in Transforming into a Fully Activated Wealthy Woman!
Experience Immediate Shifts in your Love & Money reality through the most Simple 3 Step Process!
This guide walks you through the 3 most important steps to transforming your relationship with men and money. It's universal and applies to any woman going through difficulties or experiencing "blockages" in her love life, or with money.
Absolutely. Matter of fact, it's best that every person no matter what level they think they are at in manifesting make sure they understand these core concepts that I am teaching within the Wealthy Woman Activation. It's so important, yet SO looked over time and time again.
I have had a student, as listed above that had $1800 dollars manifest for her within a few days. The emotional shifts you will experience are immediate, and when you apply the training the results you see will be immediate as well.
Along with the main PDF guide, you will receive a link to a video training where I walk you through understanding the guide in depth and how to perform the exercise within the training. If you purchase the Soft Life Blueprint as well, you will receive another Video Training.
First of all, free will only get you so far and constantly settling for what's free is okay, but not it you are wanting to enhance your relationship with Feminine Wealth. When you choose to spend on things out of confidence that invest into your desires, your relationship with money enhances. Also, if I'm willing to pay money for you to also pay money to learn this information... that means that I actually VALUE what I'm sharing with you, so the likelihood of you possibly getting VERY BAD ADVICE which you can find with free content, is slim to none. So essentially, the investment you make is worth the possible cost down the road of listening to foolish advice that continues to sever you from your feminine body, and intution.
While we can’t offer refunds on digital products, we’re confident in the value this guide brings. The wisdom inside is designed to help you unblock yourself from your feminine riches in love and money and immediately experience relief, and a flow of energy towards shifting you out of struggle in love and money and into WEALTH.
All rights reserved EARTHS FEMININE LLC
This guide is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial, investment, or legal advice. The content is based on research and personal experience and is intended to share general information about financial concepts and strategies. Individual financial situations vary, and it’s important to consult a qualified financial advisor before making any investment or financial decisions. We do not guarantee specific results, and all investments carry risk. The creators and distributors of this guide are not responsible for any losses or damages resulting from actions taken based on its contents.